Wind And Solar Complementary Solar Street Light
Wind energy is formed by the flow of solar radiation, wind energy compared with other energy sources, is a lot of advantages, it is large reserves, widely distributed, never exhausted and other advantages, the installation of wind and solar street lights on remote islands and remote mountainous areas is particularly important, so wind energy is used for wind power generation, however, the development of wind and solar street lights, wind and solar street lights currently have two ideas, wind and solar street lights. One is the horizontal axis fan, the other is the vertical axis fan, and the horizontal axis fan in the current application is more widely used, is the mainstream of wind power generation models wind turbine low wind speed start, low wind speed power generation, corrosion resistance, typhoon resistance: scenery one, complementary strong, high stability
Solar LED street light
2, wide range of application, adaptability, practicality
3, one-time input, sustainable output, long service life
4, no pollution to the environment, absolutely green
5, stable performance, low failure rate
◆ Energy saving: wind and solar energy into electricity, with natural renewable energy, inexhaustible; ◆ Environmental protection: no pollution, no noise, no radiation
◆ Safety
◆Convenient: simple installation, no need to set up lines or "open" construction, no stopping seawater desalination, urban landscape, science education, microwave communication, military posts, islands and mountains, the Gobi grassland, forest fire prevention, air defense, remote rural areas of the current wind and solar complementary new energy products Application areas: road lighting, landscape lighting, traffic monitoring, communication base stations, school science, large advertising, household power supply electricity, power limitation concerns
◆ Long life: independent independent intellectual property rights, high technology content, intelligent control system, stable and reliable performance, life span of up to 15-20 years.
◆High quality: green energy, green lighting, improve the user and the use of the place of class, iconic strong
◆Low investment: one-time investment, unlimited output, no utility, long-term use, zero maintenance
◆Strong adaptability and wide range of adaptation: wind and landscape complementary overcome the limitations of the environment and load, the scope of application is very wide